What We Do

Child Educational Training Programs

Quality education is essential in the transformation of at-risk children.

ChildHope Network funds Primary & Secondary level schools in marginalized communities, Vocational and Technical Training , After School Girls and Boys empowerment programs

$150 per student

$125 per student

$300 per student

Partner with Us

Partner with us in our vocational and technical training by providing the necessary tools and supplies to provide students with the necessary skills and certification to obtain jobs.

Health & Nutrition Programs

Health and nutritional challenges can prevent children from reaching their physical, social and academic potential.

ChildHope Network funds feeding programs for children in schools we support, preventative Health Education, medical and Dental Preventative Care & Extreme poverty assistance.

150 meals a day

600 meals a week

Partner with Us

It takes 100 pounds of rice, 50 pounds of beans. 12 dozen eggs, 30 pounds of meat plus fruit and vegetables to feed a school of 150 students for one week.

Professional Training Programs

Professional training programs enhance the educator’s potential for meeting the needs of children at risk.

ChildHope Network funds in-Service and Continuing Education for school staff and Training programs and resources for Christian Education instructors.

An iPad

Partner with Us

You can supply the iPad and all instructional materials preloaded on the iPad for a Christian education teacher. Many Christian education teachers teach at multiple schools. These teachers teach upwards of at least 300 different students a week.

Capital Enhancement Programs

Investment of resources for construction and equipment is essential to the educational process.

ChildHope Network provides funds for Construction of Schools, Classroom equipment, Computer Labs, Medical/dental equipment and low-cost construction loans.

5 bags of cement

100 cement blocks

Loan Unit

Partner with Us

We are constantly adding rooms to our schools. Help us with materials.

Construction loans in most countries we work in can only be obtained at annual rates of 20-30%. We have a revolving fund loan program that offers 6% loans. We usually loan funds in $5000 USD units.

Community Development Programs

The development and empowerment of the community strives to provide basic services and the potential for home and community industry.

ChildHope Network funds Micro enterprise/home and community industry and Water filtration systems.

Home filter

Partner with Us

One of the most pressing issues in the communities we serve is clean water. Just a simple tool like a home water filtration system can dramatically increase a student’s attendance at school and their parents’ attendance at their jobs. We partner with Sawyer Water Filters ( a global leader in clean water products). We can provide a home water filtration system for $30 that will last for up to 10 years.


Stories of Hope